Category: Transportation

  • Have you considered the Under 21 Military CDL program?

    As an employer working in the field of transportation, it is important that you understand the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s rules and regulations. Failing to adhere to these could quickly lead to problems for your business and result in you having to pay fines and deal with other consequences. For example, if you are…

  • Independent Contractor Status Remains Issue of Concern

    Over the last few years employers in California have often found themselves considering the state’s independent contractor rules. Ever since the Supreme Court’s decision in Dynamex the issue has been in flux. However, with the changes to the law since then, along with the successful proposition initiative from companies like Uber last November, the issue has started…

  • Department of Labor Sets Forth Own Change to Independent Contractor Classification

    As California pushes forward with AB5, subjecting many employers to a stringent test when attempting to classify their workers as independent contractors rather than employees, the US Department of Labor (“DOL”) recently proposed its own change to how workers should be classified. While the California law makes it much more difficult for employers, particularly in the gig…

  • Changes to AB5 Brings Relief for Some But Not All

    Ever since the passage of AB5, numerous industries have taken aim at changing the law. Some of the bigger challenges have come from the transportation sector, including not just Uber and Lyft, but also from the trucking industry as well. As these challenges continue, both through the courts and proposed ballot initiatives for November, the…

  • Uber and Lyft’s California Operations in Limbo with Continuing AB5 Challenges

    Since AB5 came into effect in California the government has used multiple avenues to enforce the new law. This has put a target on Uber and Lyft in particular, as two of the biggest companies impacted by the law, and the ones that were also the main target of its passage to being with. However,…

  • Protecting your company from staff claims with strong contracts

    As the owner, manager or executive of a commercial transportation company, you know how hard it can be to attract and retain the best professional drivers. Commercial driving is a demanding career and commercial drivers have relatively high turnover rates. When you hire someone new to drive for your company, the contract that you sign with…

  • When Your Employee is Injured at Work

    Transportation is one of the most injury-prone professions. As an employer in the transportation industry, you need to know what to do when these claims arise. Even when you are diligent in enforcing safety regulations for your drivers and other staff, accidents can still happen. Here is what employers should do if an injury happens: Get medical…

  • State of Trucking Industry in Flux During Trying Times

    With coronavirus or Covid-19 taking center stage in our lives, the ramifications of the cancelations and closures are hitting everyone in both their personal and professional lives. As individuals and businesses try to adjust, the trucking industry finds itself in a unique position in handling the virus, all amid other global issues hitting the industry…

  • As UPS celebrates landmark drone deliveries, many questions remain

    For years, transportation companies have touted the potential of automated drone deliveries, promising better, more efficient service. We are now one step closer to seeing that vision become a reality, after a couple of recent landmark deliveries. On Nov. 1, 2019, UPS used a drone to deliver two prescription medications from a CVS store in Cary, North…

  • California Expands the Reach of Dynamex ABC Test with AB 5

    As covered on this blog, California has been taking steps to limit the classification of workers as independent contractors. While this has taken on different forms, including the monumental Dynamex decision, the state legislature recently finalized its own measure with the passage of AB 5 to codify the ABC test set forth in Dynamex. The passage of the bill largely…